
Rabu, 12 Juni 2024


This text for question number 1 to 4

The Suramadu Bridge (Indonesian: JembatanSuramadu), also known as the Surabaya–Madura Bridge, is a bridge with three cable-stayed sections constructed between Surabaya on the island of Java and the town of Bangkalan on the island of Madura in IndonesiA. Opened on June 10, 2009, the 5.4-km bridge is the longest in Indonesia and the first bridge to cross the Madura Strait.

The cable-stayed portion has three spans with lengths 192 m, 434 m and 192 m. The bridge has two lanes in each direction plus an emergency lane and a dedicated lane for motorcycles. The first toll bridge in Indonesia, fares have been initially set at Rp. 30,000 (US$3 in 2009) for four-wheeled vehicles and Rp. 3,000 (US$0.30) for two-wheelers.

The bridge was built by a consortium of Indonesian companies PT AdhiKarya and PT Waskita Karya working with China Road and Bridge Corp. and China Harbor Engineering Co. LtD. The total cost of the project, including connecting roads, has been estimated at 4.5 trillion rupiah (US$445 million).

Construction was started on August 20, 2003. In July 2004, a girder collapsed, killing one worker and injuring nine others. Work on the bridge halted at the end of 2004 due to lack of funds, but was restarted in November 2005. The main span of the bridge was connected on March 31, 2009, and the bridge was opened to the public in June 10, 2009.Within a week of the opening, it was discovered that nuts and bolts as well as maintenance lamps had been stolen and that there was evidence of vandalism of cables supporting the main span.

1. Suramadu’s bridge also known as….

A.      Longest bridge                                             

B.      sura and madu                                              

C.      Surabaya-Madura bridge

D.   toll bridge

E.    cable bridge

2, Suramadu’s bridge connects the island….

A.      Java and Sumatra                                         

B.      Java and Bali                                                 

C.      Sumatra and Kalimantan

D.     java and Madura

E.      Java and Surabaya

3.      Length of the Suramadu’s bridge is….

A.      5.400 meters                                           

B.      192 meters                                              

C.      494 meters

D.     526 meters

E.      2004 meters

4. The following statement is true, except ….

A.      Suramadu’s bridge is also known Surabaya-Madura bridge

B.      the long of Suramadu’s bridge is 5400 meters

C.      suramadu’s bridge connects the islands of Java and Madura

D.     bridge was opened to the public on June 10, 2009

E.      The bridge was built by Surabaya government

This text for question number 5 to 7

Losari beach is a beautiful beach and located on the edge city of Makassar. It is located only about 3 km from the center of Makassar (Karebosi Park). The beach used to be the longest café in Asia, because many cafes stand in along the beach, but now the cafes are collected in a special place so it does not spread along the coast. Charm of the beach is mainly seen in the evening when the sunset stands out. This is a major attraction of people’s coming to the Losari beach.

Every evening hundreds of people come to witness the panorama of red as the sun will disappear into the ocean, so do not miss the sunset at the Losari beach. If the sky is sunny, the scenery is absolutely perfect. Because of its location in a bay, the water of Losari is even often quiet as usual pool water.

Losari is its waterfront of Makassar. The lengthy of the beach is approximately one kilometer and it is a public space that can be accessed by anyone. On this beach there is a park called the Pelataran Bahari (Marine Park), with semicircular area of nearly one hectare. This place is a plaza with a clean floor for children to play and running around, while parents and teens sit on concrete benches to enjoy the sea breeze. From this place, you are also free to view out to the sea and watch the sunset slowly turns reddish in the line of the horizon. The reflected light also creates sheen on the surface of sea water.

The Pelataran Bahari also serves as the stadium of open water to watch the coastal waters in front of Losari beach. This coastal water is often used as a racecourse jet ski, boat races and traditional boat jolloro katinting, or become a transit point of rely of Sandeq traditional sailboats and yachts.

In Losari there are also a few hotels. Some of them qualified as a tree stars hotel. The hotel is offering panoramic beauty of the sea with luxury service treats. There are Losari Beach Hotel, Losari Beach Inn, Makassar Golden Hotel, and Pantai Gapura Hotel. All of the hotels located in Jalan Penghibur.

5. What is the main idea of the text?

A.      Losari beach is a awful place.                                 

B.      Losari beach is a good place to visit.                     

C.      Many visitor on Pantai Gapura Hotel.

D.     No body visit Losari beach.

E.      No one stay at Losari Beach Inn.

6. How many hotels does the writer mention?

A.      IX hotels.                                                                   

B.      Five hotels.                                                               

C.      Four hotels.

D.     Three hotels.

E.      Two hotels

7.  Where is Losari beach located?

A.     Somewhere at Makassar City.                  

B.     Locate at Jalan Penghibur.                          

C.     Located only about 3 km from the center of Makassar (Karebosi Park).

D.     Near Makassar City

E.      Far away from Losari Beach Inn.

8.    Complete the following dialogue

Erica: I need to download some files, but I have an unstable internet connection.

Lilly: I think you should go to the lobby, there's a free wifi, the connection is stable.

Erica: . . . . . . . . . . Thanks for your suggestion.

Lilly: No problem.

A.      Maybe some other time                         

B.      I'm not sure about that                          

C.      I'd better not

D.     That's a good idea

E.      Nice to meet you

9.      Complete the offer below with the most correct order.

Would you like . . . . . . .

A.      have lunch?                                             

B.      a cup of hot chocolate?                         

C.      drink orange juice?

D.     eat a bowl of noodle?

E.      Have dinner ?

10.  Complete the offer below with the most correct order.

Would you like . . . . . . . .

A.      eat some ice cream?                                            

B.      have dinner with me?                                        

C.      to go home with me? I'll give you a ride.

D.     drink a glass of fresh water?

E.      This coffee

11.  Complete the following dialogue

Arif: Are you thirsty?

Ria: A little bit.

Arif: Do you want a bottle of spring water? Here you are.

Ria: . . . . . . . . . .

Arif: Don't mention it.

A.    This is fresh                                                        

B.     That's very kind of you                                      

C.      I'm sorry I can't

D.     No, but thank you for the offer

E.     Are you okay

12.  Complete the following dialogue

Siska: Have you finished your report?

Linda: Not yet, I'm still working on it. I have to check some data on the computer and then copy those documents.

Siska: That's a lot of things to do.

Linda: I know.

Siska: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Linda: Thank you, you're so helpful.

A.      Would you like some coffee?                            

B.      What can I do for you?                                       

C.      Would you like me to copy this documents?

D.     You can handle it.

E.      Are you okay

13.  Complete the following dialogue

Student: Welcome back professor, how was your trip?

Professor: Thank you, it was nice and tiring.

Student: May I bring your briefcase Sir?

Professor: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Just help me with my car, can you park my car?

Student: Very well Sir.

A.      Yes, I'd love to                                                    

B.      That would very nice                                         

C.      Yes please

D.     No, I'm good, thank you

E.      It’s okay

14.  You see an old man is trying to open a bottle. What is your help offer?

A.      Could I help you with that bottle?                    

B.      Could I have that bottle?                                   

C.      Could I have some water?

D.     Would you like a bottle of water?

E.      Nice to meet you

15.  Complete the following dialogue

Adam: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e-learning?

Rika: In my point of view, e-learning is more practical. You can learn anytime and anywhere. It's simple.

A.      What do you think of                                         

B.      Do you like                                                          

C.      What do you know about

D.     D. Would you like to join

E.      I agree with you

16.  Complete the following dialogue

Ruben: If you see teenagers' life today, they prefer to spend most of their time on the gadget than have real interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . ?

Mika: Well, there's no much I can say about it. Technology, the internet and gadget change some habits in our today's society.

A.      Do you agree                                                      

B.      My comments are                                               

C.       In my opinion

D.     Have you got any comments on that

E.      I disagree

17.   The following expressions is used to ask for someone's opinion, except . . .

A.      Have you got any comments on                             

B.      What is your opinion about ?                                  

C.      Tell me about your feeling ?

D.     D. How do you feel about?

E.      I disagree



Read the following dialogue to answer the questions number 18 to 20.

Situation: Mia will invite her close friend, Julia to her Wedding Day.

Mia: “Hi, Julia. How is it going?”

Julia: “I’m good. And how about you?

Mia: “I’m fantastic Julia. Do you know? This Saturday will be my Wedding Day.”

Julia: “Are you serious? What a good news, Mia. Congratulation.”

Mia: “Thanks Julia. I would like to invite you to my moment. Will you come?”

Julia: “Of course my dear. I’ll be there. So tell me, where and when?”

Mia: “It will be on Ocean Park Avenue, at 9 a.m. Saturday morning.”

Julia: “Okay. I won’t come late.” Mia: “Thanks Julia. You are the best.”

Julia: “What is the costume?”

Mia: “That’s up to you. Make yourself pretty!”

Julia: “Alright. Do you mind if I’ll bring something special for you?”

Mia: “Oh…. It will be great.”

Julia: “Oke. See you soon.”

Mia: “Oke. Don’t be late!”

Julia: “Yups. I won’t be late.”

18. ‘Will you come?’

The above expression is included into the expression of….

A.      invitation                                                      

B.      introduction                                                 

C.      asking opinion

D.     giving opinion

E.      offering

19. What is the dress code of Mia’s wedding?

A.      Formal.                                                         

B.      Casual.                                                          

C.      Business.

D.     Princess.

E.      Fairy tale.

20. Rosa: “You look unhealthy, boy.”

Sandy: “Yes, I get a headache and a stomachache.”

Rosa: “You should go to a doctor. Come on, I will accompany you.”

Sandy: “Ok.” The underlined words show….

A.      agreement                                                     

B.      disagreement                                                

C.      suggestions

D.     offer

E.      opinion

Read the following dialogue to answer the question number for 21 to 25.

Lockwood middle School

307 Main Street

Lockwood, NJ 51686

December 10, 2008

Mrs. Jody Coling President Lockwood Health Association

23 Main Street Lockwood, NJ

Dear Mrs. Coling,


My name is Susan Harris and I am writing on behalf of student at Lockwood Middle School. A significant amount of the student at the school have been working on a project which relates to the unemployment problem within the youth demographic of Lockwood. You are invited to attend a presentation that will be held within the media room of the school where a variety of proposals that will demonstrate the ability of the community to develop employment opportunities for the youth within the community. At the presentation, there will be several student receiving awards which will recognized them within the community from the mayor. Refreshments will also be available at the presentation. As one of the prominent figures in the community, we would be honored by your attendance. Our special presentation will be held at our school auditorium on 16th of January. Please reply by Monday 9th of January to confirm your attendance to the function. We look forward to seeing you there.


Sincerely, Ms. Susan Harris


21. Who is the writer of the letter?

A.      Lockwood.                                                                

B.      Mayor of Lockwood.                                                  

C.      Student of Lockwood Middle School.

D.     D. Susan Haris.

E.      Colling.

22. What subject is made a project by the Lockwood students?

A.      Unemployment.                                                        

B.      Poor demographic.                                                     

C.      Mental illness.

D.     Football match.

E.      Criminal rate.

23. When will the presentation be held?

A.      15th of January.                                                        

B.      16th of January.                                                        

C.      17th of January.

D.     18th of January.

E.      19th of January.

24. What kind of letter is it?

A.      Invitation letter.                                                        

B.      Suggestion letter.                                                     

C.      Advice letter.

D.     Shipment letter.

E.      Announcement.

25. What day must Mrs. Colling reply to the letter?

A.      Sunday.                                                          

B.      Monday.                                                         

C.      Tuesday.

D.     Wednesday.

E.      E. Thursday.

This text for question number 26 to 30

Petruk cave is one of the leading tourist attractions in Kebumen, Central Java. The cave is located in the dukuh Mandayana Candirenggo Village, Ayah District, Kebumen regency. In the petruk cave there is no lighting that illuminates the cavE. It is still very natural cave so that petruk cave is very dark to be entereD. Petruk cave’s name is taken from the punokawan of puppet characters that is Petruk. The cave Named Petruk cave because the length of cave is as long as petruk’s nose.

In the cave there are 3 floors that are the first is a basic cave, Hindu caves and Petruk cavE. The base cave is a short cave which is just 100 meters away. The cave is used for tourist attractions. Hindu cave is part of the cave that is usually used to put offerings to the ancestor. Inside Petruk cave there are so many stalactites and stalagmites which are really awesomE. If you want to explore this cave, you must be led by guides who are ready to take you through the cave. After arriving at the end of the cave, you can see the beach or waterfall located near at the end of the cave

26. What is the text purpose?

A.      To inform readers about tourism in Kebumen

B.      To entertain reader about Petruk Cave

C.      To explain the reader about floors in Petruk Cave

D.     To Introduce The Local tourism in Kebumen

E.      To describe Petruk Cave

27. Why did Petruk cave named as one of character in Punokawan puppet?

A.      Because the cave is belong to Petruk

B.      Because Petruk is the first explorer of the cave

C.      Because Petruk is buried at the cave

D.     Because the cave’s length is as long as Petruk’s nose

E.      Because the cave’s depth is as deep as Petruk’s hair

28. Which part of Petruk Cave which used for place to put foods for ancestor?

A. In the basic cave                                      

B. In petruk cave                                           

C. In Hindu cave

D. In front of the cave

E. Inside the cave

29. What is stalactites means?

A. A type of formation that hangs from the ceiling of caves

B. Types of formation that lay on the floor of caves

C. Types of food given to ancestor

D. Someone who guide the visitor in the cave

E. Kind of animals in the cave

30. What is “lead” means in paragraph 2?

A. Guide                                                         

B. Take                                                           

C. Bring

D. Put

E. Place

Match each expressions in column A with the appropriate perceptions of five senses in column B !

The following are expressions of describing the perceptions of five senses


Identify the adjective phrases in the column A! Match Them to the column B (the perceptions of five senses)!

Five Senses




31.  The flavor of drink cold and hot are truly astonishing



























A.    Sight

32.  Gili island is famous for their turquoise water, sandy beaches and diverse marine life

B.     Sound

33.  Dust and spider webs gather on long unused tables and chairs.

C.     Touch

34.  Jeju island is a popular travel destination in hot weather.

D.    Smell

35.  The waves is buzzing with its dormant strength

E.     Taste

36.  The sea water is salty


F.      Sight

37.  The water is blue and clear

G.    Touch

38.  The beach is not terribly wide and slopes slightly down to the water.

H.    Sight

39.  The fragrance of wet sand around the beach 

I.        Sight

40.  We can hear the bird chirping

J.       Sound

Read the following dialogue and then answer the questions!

 Joni : ”It’s a boring day.”

Jono: “Why?”

Joni : ”I have a lot of homework.”

Jono: “Me too. Could you come to my home tonight?”

Joni : ”I’m sorry, I don’t think I can.”

Jono: “Why? You said that you had a lot of homework. Let’s learn together.”

Joni : ”I’m not feeling well. Maybe I will not go to school tomorrow.”

Jono: “Poor you. You’d better get some rest.”

Joni : ”Thanks for your advice.”

Jono: “You’re Welcome.”


41. What did Joni feel?

42. Did Joni have a homework?

43. Was Jono sick?

44. What was Joni’s suggestions to Jono?

45. Mention one expression of giving an invitation based on the dialogue above!

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