
Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014

ENGLISH SPEECH about Culture

Teks Contoh Pidato Bhs Inggris Singkat tentang Budaya
Love for Cultures Love for Motherland
Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
First of all, let’s say our praise and gratitude to Allah Swt due to all of His rahmat, taufiq, and hidayah upon all of us. shalawat and salam may everlastingly be upon our Great Prophet Muhammad Saw who had guided and led us from dark into shining bright path.
To the honorable ladies and gentlemen and all the audience,
We all know that some time ago that our and all of the Indonesian people’s moods were not in good condition because of the cultures we have. It’s because of the heritages of our ancestors belonged to us were unashamedly claimed as Malaysian’s.
It is just an obvious snatching since the fact is that the world has known that those cultures they claimed were ours, Indonesian’s.
To recall this incident, let us evaluate ourselves whether we have already loved our cultures. Today there are lots of Indonesian children and youngsters who know the best the names of foreign singers and celebrities. This is one of many globalization effects that have spread to the entire nation. R & amp music; B, Rock, House music are known better by our youngsters than traditional dances that are supposed to be perpetuated and developed. So, who is wrong?
Why did our cultures become marginalized by foreign cultures? In the educational point of view, it is surely related strongly. The most ironical thing from our nation’s behavior towards our own arts and cultures is the tendency of putting them into the lowest concern from “early on”.
To the honorable ladies and gentlemen and all the audience,
There are activities outside of academics which are known best as extracurricular activities. What really saddens me is regarding why the total of extracurricular choices related to art and culture of Indonesia are highly a few even no choices at all. Most of extracurricular activities are related to modern arts from foreign countries, such as modern dances like disco, samba, salsa, anisa, and many others. There are no choices of extracurricular activity (in West Java) like gamelan, jaipong dance, and other kinds of art and culture especially from West Java (Sunda).
This really is pitiful and endangers our generation in the future time. The Department of Education of West Java is supposed to make some kind of deal with the Department of Tourism and Culture in keeping the values of art and culture from West Java. It could be a must of every school in West Java to have some extracurricular activities related to art and cultures from West Java. Don’t make the arts and cultures of West Java “meet the extinction” because of the “contribution” in educational fields that don’t “educate” the children to love for their own art and cultures. For me, the most serious issue is because this “habit” has been going on for years even tens of years. Don’t be regretful due to our arts and culture that were finally “acquisitioned” by other nations. This could be happening, why not?
Where do we have to start?
Of course we should start from our own selves. If it’s not us who love our own cultures then who else would? We must feel proud in showing our self-esteems through our cultures. Start from our selves, our families, and our surroundings.
Introduce our cultures to our little children. Our cultures are our nation’s self-esteem, our self-esteem as people of nation.
I wish my words can open up our eyes and rise our spirits on to begin loving own cultures. I am proud of my ancestors’ heritages. I love my mother land’s heritages. I love Indonesia. Please forgive me for any mistake on my words.
Terjemahan Contoh Pidato Bhs Inggris Singkat tentang Budaya
Cinta Budaya Cinta Ibu Pertiwi
Assalamu Alaikum wr.Wb
Pertama-tama marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan segala rohmat, taufiq, dan hidayahnya kepada kita sekalian.
Solawat serta salam mudah-mudahan tetap tercurahkan kepada junjungan Nabi besar kita Muhammad SAW yang telah menunjukkan kita dari jalan yang gelap gulita menuju jalan yang terang benderang.
Bapak-bapak, Ibu-ibu dan para hadirin semua yang saya hormati.
Kita semua tahu beberapa waktu kebelakang suasana hati kita dan seluruh masyarakat Indonesia merasa sakit karena budaya yang kita miliki, warisan leluhur yang kita punyai ternyata dengan tanpa rasa malu di klaim sebagai milik Malaysia.
Ini merupakan salah satu cara pencaplokan yang terang-terangan padahal seluruh
dunia tahu bahwa budaya yang mereka klaim adalah milik kita, milik bangsa Indonesia.
Mengingat kejadian ini, marilah kita evaluasi diri apakah kita sudah benar-benar mencintai budaya kita. Saat ini banyak anak dan remaja Indonesia yang lebih hapal nama-nama penyanyi dan selebriti asing. Ini salah satu dampak globalisasi yang menyebar ke semua penjuru negeri. Musik R & B, rock, house music lebih dikenal ABG kita ketimbang tarian daerah, yang seharusnya dilestarikan dan dikembangkan. Siapa yang salah?
Kenapa seni-budaya kita menjadi termarginalkan oleh budaya asing. Dari sudut pandang pendidikan tentu saja seni-budaya ini terkait erat. Dan yang paling ironis dari sikap bangsa kita terhadap seni-budaya sendiri adalah adanya kecendrungan
menganak-tirikan seni budaya sendiri sejak ‘dini’.
Bapak-bapak, Ibu-ibu dan para hadirin semua yang saya hormati.
Kegiatan luar sekolah (ekstrakurikuler) yang populer disebut ekskul. Yang sangat menyedihkan bagi saya adalah kenapa minimnya bahkan tidak ada pilihan ekskul tentang seni-budaya Indonesia. Tapi kebanyakan jenis ekskul terkait dengan seni modern dari negara luar. Seperti tari modern bernuansa disko, samba, salsa, anisa, dan lainnya. Tidak ada pilihan (kalau di Jawa Barat) ekskul gamelan, tari jaipong, dan jenis seni budaya khas Jawa Barat (Sunda) lainnya.
Ini sangat menyedihkan dan membahayakan generasi kita pada masa mendatang. Seharusnya pihak Dinas Pendidikan Jawa Barat membuat semacam kesepakatan bersama dengan Dinas Pariwisata dan Budaya dalam menjaga nilai-nilai seni dan budaya Jawa Barat. Bentuknya berupa keharusan semua sekolah di Jawa Barat mengadakan ekskul bernuansa seni-budaya Jawa Barat. Jangan sampai seni-budaya Jawa Barat ‘punah’ gara-gara ‘kontribusi’ bidang pendidikan yang justru tidak ‘mendidik’ anak-anaknya agar mencintai seni-budaya nya sendiri. Bagi saya ini permasalahan yang amat serius karena jika ‘kebiasaan’ ini berlangsung tahunan bahkan puluhan tahun jangan kemudian kita menyesal karena seni-budaya kita sendiri akhirnya ‘diakuisisi’ oleh bangsa lain. Ini bis aterjadi, kenapa tidak?
Dari mana harus memulai?
Tentu kita harus memulai dari diri kita sendiri. Siapa lagi kalau bukan kita yang mencintai kebudayaan kita sendiri. Kita harus bangga menunjukkan jati diri kita melalui budaya kita. Mulailah dari diri kita, keluarga kita, lingkungan kita.
Kenalkan budaya kita kepada anak-anak kita yang masih kecil. Budaya kita adalah harga diri bangsa, harga diri kita sebagai warganya.
Semoga uraian ini dapat menyadarkan kita semua dan bangkit semangat untuk mulai mencintai kebudayaan kita sendiri. Aku bangga budaya leluhurku. Aku suka warisan ibu pertiwiku. Aku cinta Indonesia. Mohon maaf jika ada kata-kata yang kurang berkenan.
Assalamu alaikum wr. wb.


The Role of Technology on the Development of Traditional Culture


Good morning ladies and gentlemen, the most respectful juries, and my beloved friends. First, let’s say thanks to God, because only by His clemency, we can gather in this place to participate in this speech contest.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Ari Sudewa, from class X-11. Now, I would like to present my speech entitled “The Role of Technology on The Development of Traditional Culture”. In this topic, I will explain the meaning of traditional culture, the use of technology in the spreading of culture, and the effects of the technology to the traditional culture.

Ladies and gentlemen, before we continue to our main topic, it would be better if we know what the meaning of traditional culture is. Traditional culture is a habit, role of life, or folkways that created by our ancestors, generated from one generation to the next generation orally, and integrated strongly in the local people. Generally, the local tradition is always obeyed by local people without any shortcomings. The example of local tradition is local songs, games, folktales, myth, ceremonies, foods, and clothing.
The unique thing is, because of the strong integration of the culture, usually the old people can’t receive any other new tradition from outside, although the new tradition is better and more rational than their tradition. The reason of this phenomenon is because the old tradition has been carried by people for many years. When a habit is done for several years, it will change the people’s mind. They will think that habit is correct and good, although other people may think their habit is fool. If that habit continues from one generation to the next generation, we can say that the habit has transformed into a tradition.
We can find this phenomenon in a village easily, and would be easier if we search it in an underdeveloped area. But, this phenomenon is no more existed in a city where the people have smitten with the globalization in this global era. The people here could think more rationally, and it causes some traditions extinct. Then, by the effect of Western cultures, more local traditions lost, and some local values changed.
Ladies and gentlemen, why western cultures could affect our country? The main reason is because our people have an internal mind that western cultures are better than ours, more interesting, and so on. Their tradition can spread easily in our country mainly because of the use of technology.
Technology can be used to spread a tradition to other place. The main form of technology that used widely is internet. With the internet, we can share our tradition to the world and we can also know and apply tradition from other place. This can enrich the local tradition. But, this can also damage local tradition if we use the internet and other technologies unwisely.
Ladies and gentlemen, the use of technology always has advantages and disadvantages. With the technology, the spread of tradition can be faster. We can also gain more information to be applied to our tradition. But, the use of technology, mainly internet, could change, fade, and destroy local tradition. It can also spread some bad traditions to other country, such as pornography, drunk, smoking habit, and many others.
To decrease these disadvantages, we must protect our self from bad traditions. We must use our intelligence and common sense to sort and classify the good tradition and the bad tradition. Then, we must apply and keep the good traditions, and throw away the bad traditions. We must be careful in a consort with others. We must stay away from any prohibited consorts. We must increase our religion comprehension to protect our self from these problems.
I think that’s all of my speech. Thanks for your kind attention to my speech. I do apologize if there are any mistakes in my speech. See you later, have a nice day.


“The Influence of Foreign Culture to Indonesian Culture”

Good evening my beloved Teacher and Friends,

First, we must give thanks to God, cause we can together again in this moment and share about“The Influence of Foreign Culture to Indonesian Culture”. 
First, I will explain about the meaning of culture. Do you know the meaning of culture? Culture means life method which grow up on the society area which heir by generations to generations. There are 2 kinds of culture, foreign culture and Original culture.
Foreign culture is a culture from the other countries which included to our original country by “Global Crisis”. And the Original culture is culture from our original country which the culture had already mixed with our soul, by our daily activities.
As we had already known, so many foreign cultures be included to Indonesia, just like the religion, politic system, knowledges, art and much more. There are 2 factors which influencing Indonesian to follow the foreign culture, they are external and internal factors. External factor come from other people like friends, family, and some mediator. Internal factor come from yourself.
Foreign cultures which spread in Indonesia make some positiveimpacts. For the example, foreign cultures makes Indonesian’s economic system go forward, by bright cooperation with other countries. Foreign cultures makes Indonesian teenagers more clever too by students exchange. So, many Indonesian teenagers can study to other countries and make them more clever, because they can learn from the other people outside. 
But in other side, it makes some negative impacts too, especially for Indonesian teenagers. Now so many Indonesian teenagers love modern music, which brought by foreign cultures. And they forgot Indonesian traditional music, one by one and step by step. And, Can’t you see that? Foreign culture almost changes all about Indonesian’s life style too, from clothes, attitude, mind, and more again. So many Children, acting like adults. Whereas, acting like an adult, will make them look like “fools” right? Why not? It cause they’re still children! Acting like adults will make them lose their childhood, their imagination. Even though, they want that.
Now, how to solve this problem? I mean the negative impact?
Yes that’s right! we must be clever to filter which one the good and bad foreign cultures. But, we also SHOULD NOT forget Indonesian cultures too. And we must be constant to preserve Indonesian cultures, so that, our generations don’t forget it too. And, For all parents, please, don’t force your child to become mature, before the time. But, how if our children want to become mature before the time? You can teach them to be mature step by step with the good steps, of course.
How can us do that? The most important things, we must teach them about our original culture too, so that, our children can preserve it too to their generations.
Okay, I think that’s all my speech about “The Influence of Foreign Culture to Indonesian Culture”. Thankyou for your attention, I hope my speech will increase the preserve of Indonesian cultures and make Indonesian people more clever to filter the foreign cultures which spread in Indonesia. Good Evening :)

Bahasa Inggris tentang Lingkungan 

Assalamu ‘alaikum wr. Wb
Good Afternoon,
Honorable all the juries and the committee of this English speech contest.
First of all, let’s thank to Allah SWT who has given us many mercies and blessing so we
can join this program without any troubles. Secondly, I would like to introduce myself.
My name is ……. I am a student of …..
Well, ladies and gentlemen, in this occasion I would like to tell you about environment.
Environment is everything around us. Environment consists of two main parts which are
biotic and a biotic environment. Biotic environment is everything around us which are
live, for example plants, animals and human beings. While a biotic environment is
everything around us which are not live, for example stone, water, wind, land and etc.
We must protect our environment as good as possible because it can influence our live.
As we know that Indonesia has many tropical forests and it is a source of nature which
can help people live peacefully. So as human being we should preserve the forest.
There are some efforts which should be done by all people:
1. Not cutting down the trees in the forest
2. Planting any kinds of trees in the barren area of the forest
Cutting down the trees in the forest can cause many disasters for human beings. Of
course it can cause flood because the rain water can’t be absorbed by the root of plants so
the water flows directly to the ground. There are many damage caused by the flood,
many people being homeless because of flood, the flood kill many kinds of pet, many
factories can’t produce anything, transportation can’t run well because the bridge is
broken and so on. How horrified the flood is…!!
Actually, the disasters above can be minimized if all of human beings can preserve our
environment and we must pay more attention to the environment whenever and
wherever. We must not throw away rubbish anywhere which can disturb the flowing of
the river water. We should plant any kinds of trees in the barren area or in side of the
By doing those simple efforts, it means we have participated in the preservation of our
I think that’s all and thank you very much for your attention.
Wassalamu ‘alaikum wr. Wb

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